Sabrina Wright

Descent chart

Birth of Sabrina Wright
No information on Sabrina's date or place of birth
Father: Benjamin Wright II, d. 1795 (our ancestor), from Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Mother: Ann Bardine, 1741-1790 (our ancestor)
Brother: Benjamin Wright III
Died 1791
Brother: Charles Wright
Died 1796 ?
No information on any other siblings
Spouse and children
Husband: Samuel Fisk, 1762-1818 (our ancestor)
(son of
Dr. Ephraim Fisk and Lydia Mathewson Fisk [our ancestors],
from Scituate, Providence County, Rhode Island)
Married 14 August
in Hardwick, Worcester County, Massachusetts
Daughter: Nancy Fisk, 1785-1861 (our ancestor)
No information on any other children
Other information
Occupation: Probably farm housewife
Religion: Possibly Quaker
Death of Sabrina Wright Fisk
No information on Sabrina's date or place of death or burial
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Sources on Sabrina Wright Fisk:

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